パッケージ | 説明 |
org.gradle |
Classes for embedding Gradle.
org.gradle.api |
Start Here: Gradle's
Project API, which is available from your build files. |
org.gradle.api.artifacts |
Classes for declaring and using artifacts and artifact dependencies.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.cache |
Classes for controlling dependency resolution.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.component |
Classes that provide meta-data about software components.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl |
Classes used in the artifact DSL.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.ivy |
Classes for declaring and using Ivy modules.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.maven |
Maven specific classes for dependency management.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.query |
Classes used for querying the artifacts.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories |
Classes for declaring and using artifact repositories.
org.gradle.api.artifacts.result |
Classes that compose the resolution result
org.gradle.api.component |
Types for declaring and using Software Components.
org.gradle.api.distribution |
The main interfaces and classes of the distribution plugin.
org.gradle.api.dsl |
dsl related classes.
org.gradle.api.execution |
Classes for managing and monitoring build execution.
org.gradle.api.file |
Classes for working with files.
org.gradle.api.initialization |
Classes for managing and monitoring build initialization.
org.gradle.api.initialization.dsl |
Classes used in the initialization DSL.
org.gradle.api.invocation |
Classes for invoking and monitoring gradle builds.
org.gradle.api.java.archives |
Classes for working with JAR manifests.
org.gradle.api.jvm |
Classes for adapting the legacy plugins to the new component model.
org.gradle.api.logging |
Classes for managing logging in Gradle.
org.gradle.api.platform.jvm |
Classes for managing platform variance
org.gradle.api.plugins |
The standard
Plugin implementations. |
org.gradle.api.plugins.announce |
Plugin for generating announcements from your build. |
org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr |
Plugin for generating parsers from Antlr grammars. |
org.gradle.api.plugins.buildcomparison.gradle |
Build comparision classes that are specific to Gradle, including comparing Gradle upgrades.
org.gradle.api.plugins.jetty |
The Jetty
Plugin implementation. |
org.gradle.api.plugins.osgi |
The OSGi
Plugin implementation. |
org.gradle.api.plugins.quality |
Plugins which measure and enforce code quality.
org.gradle.api.publish |
Classes that deal with publishing artifacts.
org.gradle.api.publish.ivy |
Types that deal with publishing in the Ivy format.
org.gradle.api.publish.ivy.plugins |
Plugins for Ivy publishing.
org.gradle.api.publish.ivy.tasks |
Tasks for Ivy publishing.
org.gradle.api.publish.maven |
Types that deal with publishing in the Maven format.
org.gradle.api.publish.maven.plugins |
Plugins for publishing in the Maven format.
org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks |
Tasks for publishing in the Maven format.
org.gradle.api.publish.plugins |
Publishing plugins.
org.gradle.api.reporting |
Classes for reporting
org.gradle.api.reporting.components |
Component reporting tasks.
org.gradle.api.reporting.dependencies |
Types responsible for generating dependency reports.
org.gradle.api.reporting.plugins |
Plugins for reporting
org.gradle.api.resources |
Interfaces and API for the 'Resources' concept.
org.gradle.api.specs |
Classes for defining general purpose criteria.
org.gradle.api.tasks |
The standard
Task implementations. |
org.gradle.api.tasks.ant |
The Ant integration
Task implementations. |
org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling |
Tasks for bundling JVM components into JAR files.
org.gradle.api.tasks.compile |
The compilation
Task implementations. |
org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics |
The diagnostic
Task implementations. |
org.gradle.api.tasks.incremental |
API classes for implementing incremental tasks.
org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc |
The documentation generation
Task implementations. |
org.gradle.api.tasks.scala |
Task implementations. |
org.gradle.api.tasks.testing |
The unit testing
Task implementations. |
org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging |
Types related to logging of test related information to the console.
org.gradle.api.tasks.util |
Utility classes used by the standard task implementations.
org.gradle.api.tasks.wrapper |
The Gradle wrapper
Task . |
org.gradle.external.javadoc |
Classes to run Javadoc.
org.gradle.ide.visualstudio |
Model classes for visual studio.
org.gradle.ide.visualstudio.plugins |
Plugins for Visual Studio integration.
org.gradle.jvm |
Types for support of JVM runtime.
org.gradle.jvm.plugins |
Base plugins that add support for JVM runtime.
org.gradle.jvm.toolchain |
Defines tools that can build things that run on the JVM.
org.gradle.language |
Model classes for managing language sources.
org.gradle.language.assembler |
Model classes for building from Assembler language sources.
org.gradle.language.assembler.plugins |
Plugins for building from Assembler language sources.
org.gradle.language.assembler.tasks |
Tasks for assembling Assembler sources for a native runtime.
org.gradle.language.base |
General purpose types for language support.
org.gradle.language.base.artifact |
Classes representing artifacts relevant to languages in general.
org.gradle.language.base.plugins |
Base plugins for language support.
org.gradle.language.c |
Model classes for building from C language sources.
org.gradle.language.c.plugins |
Plugins for building from C language sources.
org.gradle.language.c.tasks |
Tasks for compiling C sources for a native runtime.
org.gradle.language.cpp |
Model classes for building from C++ language sources.
org.gradle.language.cpp.plugins |
Plugins for building from C++ language sources.
org.gradle.language.cpp.tasks |
Tasks for compiling C++ sources for a native runtime.
org.gradle.language.java |
Types for Java language support.
org.gradle.language.java.artifact |
Classes representing artifacts relevant to the Java language.
org.gradle.language.java.plugins |
Base plugins that add support for Java language.
org.gradle.language.jvm |
Types for support for JVM languages.
org.gradle.language.jvm.plugins |
Base plugins that add language support for JVM resources.
org.gradle.language.jvm.tasks |
Tasks for support for JVM languages.
org.gradle.language.nativebase.tasks |
Base classes for native language compile tasks.
org.gradle.language.objectivec |
Model classes for building from Objective-C language sources.
org.gradle.language.objectivec.plugins |
Plugins for building from Objective-C language sources.
org.gradle.language.objectivec.tasks |
Tasks for compiling Objective-C sources for a native runtime.
org.gradle.language.objectivecpp |
Model classes for building from Objective-C++ language sources.
org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.plugins |
Plugins for building from Objective-C++ language sources.
org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.tasks |
Tasks for compiling Objective-C++ sources for a native runtime.
org.gradle.language.rc |
Model classes for building from Windows Resource scripts.
org.gradle.language.rc.plugins |
Plugins for building from Windows Resource scripts.
org.gradle.language.rc.tasks |
Tasks for compiling Windows resources for a native runtime.
org.gradle.nativeplatform |
Classes that model aspects of native component projects.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.platform |
Classes that allow defining a native binary platform.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.plugins |
Plugins for building native component projects.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.sourceset |
Model classes for managing language sources.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.tasks |
Tasks for building native component projects.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.test |
API classes for testing native binaries.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit |
API classes for cunit integration.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit.plugins |
Plugins for cunit testing.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit.tasks |
Tasks for cunit integration.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.plugins |
Plugin classes for generic support for testing native binaries.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain |
Classes that allow C++ tool chains to be configured.
org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.plugins |
Built-in tool chain support.
org.gradle.platform.base |
General purpose types for runtime support.
org.gradle.platform.base.binary |
General purpose types for binary support.
org.gradle.platform.base.component |
General purpose types for library support.
org.gradle.platform.base.test |
General purpose types for test suite support.
org.gradle.plugin.use |
Classes for managing plugin resolution and use.
org.gradle.plugins.ear |
Support for generating EAR archives in a Gradle build
org.gradle.plugins.ear.descriptor |
Classes for working with EAR deployment descriptors.
org.gradle.plugins.ide.api |
General ide plugin api.
org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model |
Classes for the model used by the
EclipsePlugin . |
org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model |
Classes for the model used by the
IdeaPlugin . |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.base | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.coffeescript | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.browser | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.http | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.envjs.http.simple | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.jshint | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino | |
org.gradle.plugins.javascript.rhino.worker | |
org.gradle.process |
Classes for executing system and Java processes.
org.gradle.sonar.runner |
Integration with Sonar.
org.gradle.sonar.runner.plugins |
Plugins for Sonar Runner integration.
org.gradle.sonar.runner.tasks |
Tasks for the Sonar Runner integration.
org.gradle.testfixtures |
Classes and interfaces for testing custom task and plugin implementations.
org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks |
Tasks to work with the JaCoCo code coverage library.
org.gradle.tooling |
The main interfaces and classes of the Gradle tooling API.
org.gradle.tooling.exceptions |
Exceptions thrown when using the tooling API.
org.gradle.tooling.model |
The general-purpose tooling model types, provided by the tooling API.
org.gradle.tooling.model.build |
Tooling models for the build environment, which includes information such as Gradle or Java versions.
org.gradle.tooling.model.eclipse |
Eclipse-centric tooling models.
org.gradle.tooling.model.gradle |
The tooling models for Gradle builds and projects.
org.gradle.tooling.model.idea |
IntelliJ IDEA centric tooling models.
org.gradle.tooling.provider.model |
Interfaces and classes that allow tooling models to be made available to the tooling API client.