第13章 ビルドスクリプトの記述

This chapter looks at some of the details of writing a build script.


13.1. Gradleビルド言語The Gradle build language

Gradle provides a domain specific language, or DSL, for describing builds. This build language is based on Groovy, with some additions to make it easier to describe a build.

Gradleは、ビルドシステムを記述するためのドメイン特化言語(DSL)を提供します。 このビルド用言語は、Groovyをベースに、ビルドシステムの記述を簡単にするための機能をいくつか追加したものです。

A build script can contain any Groovy language element. [9] Gradle assumes that each build script is encoded using UTF-8.

13.2. プロジェクトAPIThe Project API

In the tutorial in 7章Javaクイックスタート we used, for example, the apply() method. Where does this method come from? We said earlier that the build script defines a project in Gradle. For each project in the build, Gradle creates an object of type Project and associates this Project object with the build script. As the build script executes, it configures this Project object:

例えば、7章Javaクイックスタートのチュートリアルで使用したapply()メソッド、このメソッドはどこから来たのでしょうか。まず、前述のようにビルドスクリプトはGradleのプロジェクトを定義します。 ビルドに含まれるプロジェクトそれぞれに対し、Project型のインスタンスが一つ作られ、ビルドスクリプトと関連づけられます。ビルドが実行されると、このプロジェクト・インスタンスは以下のように振る舞います。

ビルドスクリプトのリファレンスを見たいときはGetting help writing build scripts

Don't forget that your build script is simply Groovy code that drives the Gradle API. And the Project interface is your starting point for accessing everything in the Gradle API. So, if you're wondering what 'tags' are available in your build script, you can start with the documentation for the Project interface.


  • Any method you call in your build script which is not defined in the build script, is delegated to the Project object.


  • Any property you access in your build script, which is not defined in the build script, is delegated to the Project object.


Let's try this out and try to access the name property of the Project object.


例13.1 Projectオブジェクトへのアクセス


println name
println project.name

gradle -q check の出力

> gradle -q check

Both println statements print out the same property. The first uses auto-delegation to the Project object, for properties not defined in the build script. The other statement uses the project property available to any build script, which returns the associated Project object. Only if you define a property or a method which has the same name as a member of the Project object, would you need to use the project property.


13.2.1. 標準のプロジェクトプロパティStandard project properties

The Project object provides some standard properties, which are available in your build script. The following table lists a few of the commonly used ones.


表13.1 プロジェクトプロパティProject Properties

プロパティ名Name Type デフォルト値Default Value
project Project ProjectインスタンスThe Project instance
name String プロジェクトディレクトリの名前The name of the project directory.
path String プロジェクトの絶対パスThe absolute path of the project.
description String プロジェクトの説明A description for the project.
projectDir File ビルドスクリプトのあるディレクトリThe directory containing the build script.
buildDir File projectDir/build
group Object 未設定unspecified
version Object 未設定unspecified
ant AntBuilder AntBuilderインスタンスAn AntBuilder instance

13.3. スクリプトAPIThe Script API

When Gradle executes a script, it compiles the script into a class which implements Script. This means that all of the properties and methods declared by the Script interface are available in your script.


13.4. 変数の宣言 Declaring variables

There are two kinds of variables that can be declared in a build script: local variables and extra properties.


13.4.1. ローカル変数 Local variables

Local variables are declared with the def keyword. They are only visible in the scope where they have been declared. Local variables are a feature of the underlying Groovy language.


例13.2 ローカル変数を使用する


def dest = "dest"

task copy(type: Copy) {
    from "source"
    into dest

13.4.2. 拡張プロパティ Extra properties

All enhanced objects in Gradle's domain model can hold extra user-defined properties. This includes, but is not limited to, projects, tasks, and source sets. Extra properties can be added, read and set via the owning object's ext property. Alternatively, an ext block can be used to add multiple properties at once.

Gradleのドメインモデルを構成する全ての拡張オブジェクトには、ユーザー定義のプロパティ、拡張プロパティを新たに追加することができます。 拡張プロパティを追加できるオブジェクトには、projects、tasks、source setsを始め、様々なオブジェクトがあります。 拡張プロパティをセットしたり読み込んだりするには、対象オブジェクトのextプロパティを使用して下さい。また、extブロックを使って複数のプロパティを一気に追加することもできます。

例13.3 拡張プロパティを使用する


apply plugin: "java"

ext {
    springVersion = "3.1.0.RELEASE"
    emailNotification = "build@master.org"

sourceSets.all { ext.purpose = null }

sourceSets {
    main {
        purpose = "production"
    test {
        purpose = "test"
    plugin {
        purpose = "production"

task printProperties << {
    println springVersion
    println emailNotification
    sourceSets.matching { it.purpose == "production" }.each { println it.name }

gradle -q printProperties の出力

> gradle -q printProperties

In this example, an ext block adds two extra properties to the project object. Additionally, a property named purpose is added to each source set by setting ext.purpose to null (null is a permissible value). Once the properties have been added, they can be read and set like predefined properties.

この例では、extブロックで二つの拡張プロパティをprojectオブジェクトに追加しています。 さらに、ext.purposenullをセットすることで(nullでも構いません)、全てのソースセットにpurposeという拡張プロパティを追加しています。 一度プロパティが追加されれば、定義済みのプロパティと同じように読み込んだり書き込んだりすることができるようになります。

By requiring special syntax for adding a property, Gradle can fail fast when an attempt is made to set a (predefined or extra) property but the property is misspelled or does not exist. Extra properties can be accessed from anywhere their owning object can be accessed, giving them a wider scope than local variables. Extra properties on a project are visible from its subprojects.

For further details on extra properties and their API, see the ExtraPropertiesExtension class in the API documentation.

13.5. Groovyの基本 Some Groovy basics

Groovy provides plenty of features for creating DSLs, and the Gradle build language takes advantage of these. Understanding how the build language works will help you when you write your build script, and in particular, when you start to write custom plugins and tasks.


13.5.1. Groovy JDK

Groovy adds lots of useful methods to the standard Java classes. For example, Iterable gets an each method, which iterates over the elements of the Iterable:


例13.4 Groovy JDKのメソッド


// Iterable gets an each() method
configurations.runtime.each { File f -> println f }

Have a look at http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk/ for more details.


13.5.2. プロパティのアクセサProperty accessors

Groovy automatically converts a property reference into a call to the appropriate getter or setter method.


例13.5 プロパティアクセサ


// Using a getter method
println project.buildDir
println getProject().getBuildDir()

// Using a setter method
project.buildDir = 'target'

13.5.3. メソッド呼び出し時のカッコを省略できるOptional parentheses on method calls

Parentheses are optional for method calls.


例13.6 カッコなしのメソッド呼び出し


test.systemProperty 'some.prop', 'value'
test.systemProperty('some.prop', 'value')

13.5.4. リストリテラル、マップリテラルList and map literals

Groovy provides some shortcuts for defining List and Map instances. Both kinds of literals are straightforward, but map literals have some interesting twists.


For instance, the “apply” method (where you typically apply plugins) actually takes a map parameter. However, when you have a line like “apply plugin:'java'”, you aren't actually using a map literal, you're actually using “named parameters”, which have almost exactly the same syntax as a map literal (without the wrapping brackets). That named parameter list gets converted to a map when the method is called, but it doesn't start out as a map.

例13.7 マップリテラル、リストリテラル


// List literal
test.includes = ['org/gradle/api/**', 'org/gradle/internal/**']

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>()
test.includes = list

// Map literal.
Map<String, String> map = [key1:'value1', key2: 'value2']

// Groovy will coerce named arguments
// into a single map argument
apply plugin: 'java'

13.5.5. メソッド引数の最後にクロージャを使うClosures as the last parameter in a method

The Gradle DSL uses closures in many places. You can find out more about closures here. When the last parameter of a method is a closure, you can place the closure after the method call:


例13.8 メソッドのクロージャ引数


repositories {
    println "in a closure"
repositories() { println "in a closure" }
repositories({ println "in a closure" })

13.5.6. クロージャのdelegateオブジェクトClosure delegate

Each closure has a delegate object, which Groovy uses to look up variable and method references which are not local variables or parameters of the closure. Gradle uses this for configuration closures, where the delegate object is set to the object to be configured.


例13.9 クロージャのdelegate


dependencies {
    assert delegate == project.dependencies

[9] Any language element except for statement labels.