第22章 標準Gradleプラグイン

There are a number of plugins included in the Gradle distribution. These are listed below.


22.1. 言語プラグインLanguage plugins

These plugins add support for various languages which can be compiled for and executed in the JVM.


表22.1 言語プラグインLanguage plugins

Plugin Id プラグインID Automatically applies 自動適用 Works with 協調して動作 Description 説明
java java-base -

Adds Java compilation, testing and bundling capabilities to a project. It serves as the basis for many of the other Gradle plugins. See also 7章Javaクイックスタート.


groovy java, groovy-base -

Adds support for building Groovy projects. See also 9章Groovyクイックスタート.


scala java, scala-base -

Adds support for building Scala projects.


antlr java -

Adds support for generating parsers using Antlr.


22.2. 試験的な言語プラグイン Incubating language plugins

These plugins add support for various languages:


表22.2 言語プラグイン Language plugins

Plugin Id プラグインID Automatically applies 自動適用 Works with 協調して動作 Description 説明
assembler - -

Adds native assembly language capabilities to a project.

c - -

Adds C source compilation capabilities to a project.

cpp - -

Adds C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.

objective-c - -

Adds Objective-C source compilation capabilities to a project.

objective-cpp - -

Adds Objective-C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.

windows-resources - -

Adds support for including Windows resources in native binaries.

22.3. 統合プラグインIntegration plugins

These plugins provide some integration with various runtime technologies.


表22.3 統合プラグインIntegration plugins

Plugin Id プラグインID Automatically applies 自動適用 Works with 協調して動作 Description 説明
application java -

Adds tasks for running and bundling a Java project as a command-line application.


ear - java

Adds support for building J2EE applications.


jetty war -

Deploys your web application to a Jetty web container embedded in the build. See also 10章Webアプリケーションクイックスタート.


maven - java, war

Adds support for publishing artifacts to Maven repositories.


osgi java-base java

Adds support for building OSGi bundles.


war java -

Adds support for assembling web application WAR files. See also 10章Webアプリケーションクイックスタート.

ウェブアプリケーションのWARファイルをビルドできるようにします。See also 10章Webアプリケーションクイックスタートも参照してください。

22.4. 試験的な統合プラグイン Incubating integration plugins

These plugins provide some integration with various runtime technologies.


表22.4 試験的な統合プラグイン Incubating integration plugins

Plugin Id プラグインID Automatically applies 自動適用 Works with 協調して動作 Description 説明
distribution - -

Adds support for building ZIP and TAR distributions.


java-library-distribution java, distribution -

Adds support for building ZIP and TAR distributions for a Java library.


ivy-publish - java, war

This plugin provides a new DSL to support publishing artifacts to Ivy repositories, which improves on the existing DSL.


maven-publish - java, war

This plugin provides a new DSL to support publishing artifacts to Maven repositories, which improves on the existing DSL.


22.5. ソフトウェア開発プラグイン Software development plugins

These plugins provide help with your software development process.


表22.5 ソフトウェア開発プラグイン Software development plugins

Plugin Id プラグインID Automatically applies 自動適用 Works with 協調して動作 Description 説明
announce - -

Publish messages to your favourite platforms, such as Twitter or Growl.


build-announcements announce -

Sends local announcements to your desktop about interesting events in the build lifecycle.


checkstyle java-base -

Performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using Checkstyle and generates reports from these checks.


codenarc groovy-base -

Performs quality checks on your project's Groovy source files using CodeNarc and generates reports from these checks.


eclipse - java,groovy, scala

Generates files that are used by Eclipse IDE, thus making it possible to import the project into Eclipse. See also 7章Javaクイックスタート.

Eclipse IDEが使用するファイルを生成し、プロジェクトをEclipseにインポートできるようにします。7章Javaクイックスタートも参照してください。

eclipse-wtp - ear, war

Does the same as the eclipse plugin plus generates eclipse WTP (Web Tools Platform) configuration files. After importing to eclipse your war/ear projects should be configured to work with WTP. See also 7章Javaクイックスタート.

eclipseプラグインが生成するファイルに加え、eclipse WTP (Web Tools Platform)の設定ファイルも生成します。 eclipseにインポートすれば、war/earプロジェクトがWTPで認識されるよう設定されているはずです。7章Javaクイックスタートも参照してください。

findbugs java-base -

Performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using FindBugs and generates reports from these checks.


idea - java

Generates files that are used by Intellij IDEA IDE, thus making it possible to import the project into IDEA.

Intellij IDEA IDEが使用するファイルを生成し、プロジェクトをIDEAにインポートできるようにします。

jdepend java-base -

Performs quality checks on your project's source files using JDepend and generates reports from these checks.


pmd java-base -

Performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using PMD and generates reports from these checks.


project-report reporting-base -

Generates reports containing useful information about your Gradle build.


signing base -

Adds the ability to digitally sign built files and artifacts.


sonar - java-base, java, jacoco

Provides integration with the Sonar code quality platform. Superceeded by the sonar-runner plugin.


22.6. 試験的なソフトウェア開発プラグイン Incubating software development plugins

These plugins provide help with your software development process.


表22.6 ソフトウェア開発プラグイン Software development plugins

Plugin Id プラグインID Automatically applies 自動適用 Works with 協調して動作 Description 説明
build-dashboard reporting-base -

Generates build dashboard report.

build-init wrapper -

Adds support for initializing a new Gradle build. Handles converting a Maven build to a Gradle build.

cunit - -

Adds support for running CUnit tests.

jacoco reporting-base java

Provides integration with the JaCoCo code coverage library for Java.

sonar-runner - java-base, java, jacoco

Provides integration with the Sonar code quality platform. Supersedes the sonar plugin.


visual-studio - native language plugins

Adds integration with Visual Studio.

wrapper - -

Adds a Wrapper task for generating Gradle wrapper files.

java-gradle-plugin java

Assists with development of Gradle plugins by providing standard plugin build configuration and validation.

22.7. ベースプラグイン Base plugins

These plugins form the basic building blocks which the other plugins are assembled from. They are available for you to use in your build files, and are listed here for completeness. However, be aware that they are not yet considered part of Gradle's public API. As such, these plugins are not documented in the user guide. You might refer to their API documentation to learn more about them.

これらのプラグインは、他のプラグインを組み立てるための基本的なビルド用の部品を構成します。また、ビルドスクリプト内で自分で使うこともできます。ここにその完全な一覧を掲載しました。 しかし、これらのプラグインはまだGradleの正式な公開APIとはなっていないことに注意してください。そのため、ユーザーガイドでは解説されていません。詳細について調べたい際は、APIドキュメントが参考になるかもしれません。

表22.7 ベースプラグイン Base plugins

Plugin Id プラグインID Description 説明

Adds the standard lifecycle tasks and configures reasonable defaults for the archive tasks: 一般的なライフサイクルを構成するタスクを追加し、アーカイブタスクにリーズナブルなデフォルト値を設定します。

  • adds build ConfigurationName tasks. Those tasks assemble the artifacts belonging to the specified configuration. buildConfigurationNameタスクを追加します。これらのタスクは、特定のコンフィグレーションに属するアーティファクトを作成します。
  • adds upload ConfigurationName tasks. Those tasks assemble and upload the artifacts belonging to the specified configuration. uploadConfigurationNameタスクを追加します。これらのタスクは、特定のコンフィグレーション属するアーティファクトを作成し、アップロードします。
  • configures reasonable default values for all archive tasks (e.g. tasks that inherit from AbstractArchiveTask). For example, the archive tasks are tasks of types: Jar, Tar, Zip. Specifically, destinationDir, baseName and version properties of the archive tasks are preconfigured with defaults. This is extremely useful because it drives consistency across projects; the consistency regarding naming conventions of archives and their location after the build completed. 全てのアーカイブタスク(AbstractArchiveTaskを継承したタスク)に適切なデフォルト値を設定します。 例えば、JarタイプやTarタイプ、Zipタイプのタスクがアーカイブタスクです。 これらのタスクに、destinationDirbaseNameversionプロパティを前もって設定します。 これにより、アーカイブの命名規約やビルド後の配置場所に一貫性が生まれるため、とても便利です。


Adds the source sets concept to the project. Does not add any particular source sets.



Adds the Groovy source sets concept to the project.



Adds the Scala source sets concept to the project.



Adds some shared convention properties to the project, relating to report generation.


22.8. サードパーティプラグインThird party plugins

You can find a list of external plugins at the Gradle Plugins site.
